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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English - run


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~1 v past tense ran past participle run present participle running »MOVE QUICKLY ON FOOT« 1 to move quickly on foot by moving your legs more quickly than when you are walking  (I had to run to catch the bus. | Two youths were killed when running to help people injured in the bomb blast.) +adv/prep  (Each morning we ran down to the harbour to see the previous night's catch. | run for cover (=run in order to find shelter or protection))  (Suddenly shots rang out, and we had to run for cover. | run for your life (=in order to avoid being killed))  (Hundreds ran for their lives from the burning building.) 2 »IN A RACE« a) to take part in a running race  (I'd never run a marathon before.) + in  (Are you running in the 100 metres?) b) to hold a race  (The Derby will be run at 3 o'clock.) 3 run for it spoken to run as quickly as possible in order to escape  (Police - quick, run for it!) 4 run and fetch/get/do sth spoken used to ask a child to get or do something quickly for you  (Run and tell your father supper's ready.) 5 run along spoken used to tell a child to go away  (Run along now, all of you, I'm busy.) »CONTROL/BE IN CHARGE OF« 6 to control or be in charge of a company, an organization, or system  (For a while, she ran a restaurant in Boston. | Many people belong to a pension scheme run by their employers. | well/badly run (=organized efficiently/inefficiently))  (A well-run company should not have problems of this kind. | state-run (=controlled and paid for by the state))  (a state-run airline)  (- see control1) 7 run sb's life informal to keep telling someone what they should do all the time, in a way that they find annoying  (Don't try to run my life!) »MACHINE/SYSTEMS« 8 »MACHINES« if a machine runs, it operates  (Don't touch the engine while it's running. | run on electricity/gas/unleaded petrol etc (=get its power from electricity etc) | run smoothly (=operate with all its parts working exactly as they should))  (My car's not running too smoothly at the moment.) 9 »COMPUTERS« to operate a computer program1 (1)  (The RS 8 system runs both Unix and MPX-32.) 10 up and running working fully and correctly  (The new system won't be up and running until next week.) »CARS/TRAINS/BOATS ETC« 11 »PUBLIC TRANSPORT« a) if a bus, train etc service runs, it takes people from one place to another at fixed times of the day  (The buses don't run on Sundays.) b) if someone runs a bus, train etc service, they make it operate  (They're running special trains to and from the exhibition.) 12 »FAST/OUT OF CONTROL« to move too fast or in an uncontrolled way + into/down/through etc  (The truck ran downhill at a frightening speed. | Her car ran into a tree.) 13 run aground/ashore if a ship runs aground, it cannot move because the water is not deep enough  (An oil tanker has run aground near the Valdez oil terminal.) 14 run a car to pay for all the things that are needed to keep a car working  (I can't really afford to run a car.) 15 run sb home/to the station etc informal to take someone somewhere in your car  (Shall I run you home?) WATER/LIQUIDS 16 to flow in a particular direction or place + down/along etc  (Big tears ran down Stephanie's face. | A stream ran through the garden.) 17 »TAP« if a tap (=thing for controlling the supply of water) is running, there is water coming out of it  (Did you leave the kitchen faucet running?) 18 run a bath to fill a bath with water  (run sb a bath)  (Could you run me a nice hot bath while I finish my meal?) 19 »SB'S NOSE« if someone's nose is running, liquid is flowing out of it CONTINUE 20 »OFFICIAL PAPERS« to continue to be officially able to be used for a particular period of time  (The contract runs for a year. | My car insurance only has another month to run.) 21 »PLAY/FILM« to continue being performed regularly in one place  (The play ran for two years.) 22 »STORY/ACCOUNT ETC« to continue in a particular way  (I forget now how the story runs.) 23 run its course to continue in the expected way until finished  (Wait until the illness has run its course.) 24 this one will run and run BrE humorous used to say that you think a problem, joke etc will continue for a long time »HAPPEN/TAKE PLACE« 25 to happen or take place, especially in the way that was intended  (run according to plan (=happen in the way that you had planned))  (So far, it had all run exactly according to plan. | run smoothly (=happen with no unexpected problems))  (Her job is to ensure university catering runs smoothly.) »TOUCH/RUB A SURFACE« 26 T always + adv/prep to move or rub something lightly along a surface  (run sth down/through/along)  (Charles ran his fingers through her hair.) »THOUGHTS AND FEELINGS« 27 if thoughts or feelings run through you, you experience them suddenly + through/down etc  (The same thought kept running through his mind. | I felt a sharp pain run down my leg.) 28 be running high if feelings are running high, people are becoming angry or upset about something  (Feelings at the game were running high.) »ROADS/FENCES ETC« 29 to exist in a particular place or continue in a particular direction + along/through etc  (The road runs along a valley.) »COLOUR/PAINT« 30 if colour runs, it spreads from one area of cloth to another, when the cloth is wet  (The colour ran when I washed your red shirt, and now all your socks are pink!) 31 if paint runs, it moves onto an area where you did not intend it to go »NOT ENOUGH/NONE LEFT« 32 be running short (of sth) to have very little of something left  (I'm running short of cash - do you think you could lend me some?) 33 time is running short used to say that there is little time left  (Time was already running short.) 34 be running low (on sth) to have very little left of something that you normally keep a supply of  (We're running low on fuel again.) 35 run dry if a river or well (=hole in the ground for getting water) runs dry, there is no water left  (The drought was so severe that even the well ran dry.) »BECOME UNCONTROLLED« 36 run wild to behave in an uncontrolled way  (Since their mother left, those children have been running wild.) 37 run rife to spread quickly in an uncontrolled way  (Disease is running rife in the shanty towns.) 38 run riot a) if people run riot, they start to behave in a violent or uncontrolled way  (Angry demonstrators ran riot through the town.) b) if feelings run riot, they increase quickly in a way that you cannot control  (Let your imagination run riot.) »DO/ARRANGE STH« 39 run a check/test on to arrange for something or someone to be checked or tested  (A check had to be run on all participants, for security reasons. | We'd better run a test on all the equipment before we begin.) 40 run an errand a) to go to a shop, office etc in order to buy, do, or get something for someone else  (a boy running errands for his mother) b) AmE to go to a shop, office etc to buy or get something that you need  (I have a few errands to run downtown.) »OTHER MEANINGS« 41 »IN AN ELECTION« to try to be elected in an election; stand1 (41) + for  (Bob Dole's running for President.) + agains  (The Democrats chose Mondale to run against Reagan.) 42 »HOLE IN CLOTHES« if a hole in tights, stockings etc runs, it gets bigger in a straight line 43 run drugs/guns to bring drugs or guns into a country illegally in order to sell them  (- see also drug runner, gun­running) 44 run a story/feature/article to print a story etc in a newspaper or magazine  (The editor decided at the last minute not to run the story.) 45 run in the family if something such as a quality, disease, or skill runs in the family, many people in that family have it  (Karen's very good at music too - it runs in the family.) 46 run a temperature/fever to have a body temperature that is higher than normal, because you are ill  (She's running a temperature of a 102.) 47 run a mile informal to try very hard to avoid a situation, person, or place, because you find them frightening or embarrassing  (She's so shy that if a man ever spoke to her I think she'd run a mile!) 48 be running late to be doing everything later than planned or expected  (They were running late, so I didn't get interviewed until nearly o'clock.) 49 be running scared to have become worried about the power of an enemy or opponent  (Their new software has the competition running scared.) 50 come running a) informal to respond in a very eager way when someone asks or tells you to do something  (He thinks he's only got to crook his finger and I'll come running.) b) especially spoken to ask someone for help, advice, or sympathy when you have a problem  (Well I warned you, so don't come running to me when it all goes wrong!) 51 run your eyes over informal to look quickly at something  (Could you run your eyes over my report before I turn it in?) 52 run that by me again spoken used to ask someone to explain something again, because you did not completely understand  (- see also running1, run amok amok, make your blood run cold blood1 (5), run counter to sth counter3, cut and run cut1 (30), run deep deep1 (5), run sb/sth to earth earth1 (13), run to fat fat2 (6), run the gauntlet gauntlet (5), run sb to ground ground1 (22), run rings around ring1 (8), run to seed seed1 (3)) run across sb/sth phr v to meet or find someone or something by chance  (I ran across an old friend last week.) run after sb/sth phr v 1 to chase someone or something  (Her dog was running after a rabbit.) 2 informal to try to get someone's attention, especially because you are sexually attracted to them 3 spoken to do many small jobs for someone, like a servant  (I can't keep running after you all day!) run around phr v 1 to run in an area, without a definite direction or purpose  (The children were running around in the garden.) 2 run around with sb to spend a lot of time with someone, especially in a way that other people disapprove of  (Is it true that she's been running around with an older man?) 3 informal to be very busy doing many small jobs  (At fifty, I didn't want to be running around making bottles and changing diapers.)  (- see also run­around) run away phr v 1 to leave a place, especially secretly, in order to escape from someone or something + from  (Toby ran away from home at the age of 14. | They ran away together to get married.)  (- see also runaway2) 2 to try to avoid a problem or difficult situation because it is unpleasant or embarrassing  (You've got to stop running away, and learn to face your problems.) run away with sb/sth phr v 1 run away with you if your feelings, ideas etc run away with you, they start to control how you behave because you can no longer think in a sensible way  (Don't let your imagination run away with you!) 2 to leave a place secretly or illegally with someone else  (He ran away with the boss's wife.) 3 run away with the idea/impression that spoken to think that something is true when it is not  (Don't run away with the idea that this is going to be easy!) 4 informal to win a competition or sports game very easily  (The Reds ran away with the championship.) 5 to steal something  (They found that the treasurer had run away with the proceeds.) run down phr v 1 T run someone/something down) to drive into a person or animal and kill or injure them  (Their daughter was run down by a car just outside their house.) 2 T run someone/something down) informal to say things that are rude, unpleasant, or unfair about someone or something  (Paula's jealous of you - that's why she keeps running you down. | Don't run yourself down!) 3 if a clock, machine, battery etc runs down, it has no more power and stops working 4 T run something down) to let a company, organization etc gradually become smaller or stop working  (The coal industry is being slowly run down.) 5 T run someone/something down) to find someone or something after searching for a long time  (I finally ran him down at his new office in Glendale.)  (- see also rundown, run­down) run sb/sth in phr v 1 old-fashioned if the police run a criminal in, they catch them; arrest1 (1) 2 if you run in a new car, you drive it slowly and carefully at first run into sb/sth phr v 1 to hit someone or something with a car or other vehicle  (His car skidded and ran into a lamp-post.) 2 informal to meet someone by chance  (Guess who I ran into in town today!) 3 run into difficulties/problems/debt etc to start to experience difficulties  (After a promising start, the company ran into trouble.) 4 run into hundreds/thousands etc to reach an amount of several hundred, several thousand etc  (By now they had debts running into thousands of pounds.) 5 if something such as a word, colour etc runs into another word, colour etc, it joins it or mixes with it so that it is difficult to separate them 6 run sth into the ground a) to use something so much that you destroy it  (We ran that Chevrolet right into the ground.) b) to talk about a subject so much that there is nothing more left to say run off phr v 1 to leave a place or person in a way that people disapprove of  (Amy's husband had run off and left her with two children to bring up.) 2 T run something off) to quickly print several copies of something  (Shall I run off some more of those notices for you on the photocopier?) 3 T run something off) to write a speech, poem, piece of music etc quickly and easily  (He could run off a comedy monologue in half an hour.) 4 be run off your feet to be so busy that you do not have time to stop or rest 5 run off at the mouth AmE informal to talk too much 6 T run something off) to get rid of weight by running  (I'm trying to run off some of my excess fat!) run off with sb/sth phr v informal 1 to go away somewhere with someone, because you are having a sexual relationship that people do not approve of  (Liz shocked us all by running off with a married man.) 2 to take something without permission  (Then I found that he had run off with all my savings.) run on phr v to continue happening for longer than expected or planned  (The lecture ran on until 11 o'clock.) run out phr v 1 to use all of something and not have any of it left + of  (The truck's run out of gas again.) 2 if food, money etc runs out, there is none left  (Our supplies soon ran out. | My patience was running out.) 3 if an agreement, official document etc runs out, it reaches the end of the period when it is officially allowed to continue; expire (1)  (My contract runs out in September.) 4 run out on to leave someone, when you should not  (He ran out on his second wife two years later.) 5 run out of steam informal also run out of gas AmE to have no energy or eagerness left for something that you are trying to do  (The whole team seemed to have run out of gas.) 6 run sb out of town old-fashioned to force someone to leave a place, because they have done something wrong 7 T run someone out) to end a player's innings in cricket (2) by hitting the stumps (stump1 (4)) with the ball while they are running run over phr v 1 T run someone/something over) to hit someone or something with a car or other vehicle, and drive over them  (He was run over by a bus and killed.) 2 T run over something) to explain or practise something again  (Could we just run over the section on verbs again?) 3 T run over something) to think about a series of events, possibilities etc  (I ran over the options in my mind.) 4 also run over time to continue past the arranged time  (The meeting ran over, and I was late for lunch.) 5 if a container runs over, there is so much liquid inside that some flows out; overflow run through phr v 1 (run through something) to repeat something so that you remember it or get better at it  (Let's run through the first scene again.) 2 (run through something) to read, look at, or explain something quickly  (I'll just run through the figures with you.) 3 (run through something) to be present in many parts of something or continue through it, for example in an artist's work or in a society  (This theme runs through the whole book. | a fundamental problem running right through our society) 4 (run someone through) literary to push a sword completely through someone  (- see also run­through) run to sth phr v 1 to reach a particular amount  (The damages awarded by the court could easily run to one billion pounds.) 2 BrE to be enough money to pay for something, or have enough money for it  (My wages won't run to a new car.) run sth up phr v 1 run up a bill/expenses/debts to use a lot of something or borrow a lot of money, so that you will have to pay a lot of money  (She ran up an enormous phone bill.) 2 to make something, especially clothes, very quickly  (I ran this dress up in a single evening.) 3 to raise a flag on a pole run up against sth/sb phr v to have to deal with unexpected problems or a difficult opponent  (We ran up against some unexpected opposition.) ~2 n 1 »ON FOOT« a period of time spent running, or a distance that you run  (a 5-mile run | go for a run (=for exercise or pleasure))  (She usually goes for a run before breakfast. | break into a run (=start running))  (He was still following me, and in a panic I broke into a run. | at a run (=running))  (Sarah left the house at a run.) 2 be on the run a) to be trying to escape or hide, especially from the police  (A dangerous criminal is on the run in the bay area of the city.) b) if an army or an opponent is on the run, they may soon be defeated 3 make a run for it to suddenly start running, in order to escape  (One of the prisoners made a run for it.) 4 in the long run later in the future, not immediately  (The less you rely on painkillers now, the better it will be for your health in the long run.) 5 in the short run in the near future  (Economies like these save money in the short run, but in the end you'll be no better off.) 6 a run of good/bad luck several lucky or unlucky things happening quickly after each other  (Losing my job was the start of a run of bad luck that year.) 7 a run of failures/wins/strikes etc a series of failures, wins etc  (The company has had a run of spectacularly successful years.) 8 a run on a situation in which lots of people suddenly buy a particular product  (There's been a big run on ice-cream during this hot weather.) 9 have the run of to be allowed to use a place when and how you want  (I had the run of the house for the afternoon.) 10 in the normal run of events used when saying what usually happens  (In the normal run of events, I would never have gone there.) 11 have a (good) run for your money informal if you have a good run for your money, you have succeeded in doing something for an unusually long time or you have been unusually successful  (He lived to be 92, so I think he had a good run for his money.) 12 give sb a good run for their money to play well in a competition or sports game, so that your opponent has to use all their skill and effort to defeat you  (They beat us, but we certainly gave them a good run for their money.) 13 »ILLNESS« the runs informal diarrhoea (=an illness that makes you need to go to the toilet often) 14 »PLAY/FILM« a continuous series of performances of a play, film etc in the same place  (His first play had a three-month run in the West End.) 15 »JOURNEY« a) a journey by train, ship, truck etc, made regularly between two places  (It's only a 55-minute run from London to Brighton.) b) informal a short journey in a car, for pleasure  (Let's take the car out for a run.) 16 »FOR ANIMALS« an enclosed area where animals such as chickens or rabbits are kept 17 »SPORT« a point won in cricket or baseball 18 »SKI-ING« a sloping area of land that you can ski down  (They don't let beginners go on the higher runs.) 19 »IN CLOTHES« AmE a line of torn stitches in tights, stockings etc; ladder1 (3) BrE 20 »BANK« an occasion when lots of people all take their money out of a bank at the same time 21 run on the dollar/pound etc a situation in which a lot of people sell dollars etc and the value goes down 22 »MUSIC« a set of notes played or sung quickly up or down a scale in a piece of music 23 »CARD GAMES« a set of cards with numbers in a series, held by one player  (- see also dry run, dummy run, fun run, milk run, trial run)
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  (runs, running, ran) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. Note: The form 'run' is used in the present tense and is also the past participle of the verb. 1. When you run, you move more quickly than when you walk, for example because you are in a hurry to get somewhere, or for exercise. I excused myself and ran back to the telephone... He ran the last block to the White House with two cases of gear... Antonia ran to meet them. VERB: V adv/prep, V n/amount, V • Run is also a noun. After a six-mile run, Jackie returns home for a substantial breakfast. N-COUNT: usu sing 2. When someone runs in a race, they run in competition with other people. ...when I was running in the New York Marathon... Phyllis Smith ran a controlled race to qualify in 51.32 sec. VERB: V, V n 3. When a horse runs in a race or when its owner runs it, it competes in a race. The owner insisted on Cool Ground running in the Gold Cup... If we have a wet spell, Cecil could also run Armiger in the Derby. VERB: V, V n 4. If you say that something long, such as a road, runs in a particular direction, you are describing its course or position. You can also say that something runs the length or width of something else. ...the sun-dappled trail which ran through the beech woods. VERB: V prep/adv 5. If you run a wire or tube somewhere, you fix it or pull it from, to, or across a particular place. Our host ran a long extension cord out from the house and set up a screen and a projector. VERB: V n prep/adv 6. If you run your hand or an object through something, you move your hand or the object through it. He laughed and ran his fingers through his hair... VERB: V n prep 7. If you run something through a machine, process, or series of tests, you make it go through the machine, process, or tests. They have gathered the best statistics they can find and run them through their own computers. VERB: V n through n 8. If someone runs for office in an election, they take part as a...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. verb  (ran; also chiefly dialect ~; ~; ~ning)  Etymology: Middle English ronnen, alteration of rinnen, verbi. (from Old English iernan, rinnan & Old Norse rinna) & of rennen, verbt., from Old Norse renna; akin to Old High German rinnan, verbi., to ~, Sanskrit ri?ati he causes to flow, and probably to Latin rivus stream  Date: before 12th century  intransitive verb  1.  a. to go faster than a walk; specifically to go steadily by springing steps so that both feet leave the ground for an instant in each step  b. of a horse to move at a fast gallop  c. flee, retreat, escape dropped the gun and ran  d. to utilize a ~ning play on offense — used of a football team  2.  a. to go without restraint ; move freely about at will let chickens ~ loose  b. to keep company ; consort a ram ~ning with ewes ran with a wild crowd when he was young  c. to sail before the wind in distinction from reaching or sailing close-hauled  d. roam, rove ~ning about with no overcoat  3.  a. to go rapidly or hurriedly ; hasten ~ and fetch the doctor  b. to go in urgency or distress ; resort ~s to mother at every little difficulty  c. to make a quick, easy, or casual trip or visit ran over to borrow some sugar  4.  a. to contend in a race  b. to enter into an election contest will ~ for mayor  5.  a. to move on or as if on wheels ; glide file drawers ~ning on ball bearings  b. to roll forward rapidly or freely  c. to pass or slide freely a rope ~s through the pulley  d. to ravel lengthwise stockings guaranteed not to ~  6. to sing or play a musical passage quickly ~ up the scale  7.  a. to go back and forth ; ply the train ~s between New York and Washington  b. of fish to migrate or move in considerable numbers; especially to move up or down a river to spawn  8.  a. turn, rotate a swiftly ~ning grindstone  b. function, operate the engine ~s on gasoline software that ~s on her computer  9.  a.  (1) to continue in force, operation, or production the contract has two more years to ~ the...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  v. & n. --v. (running; past ran; past part. run) 1 intr. go with quick steps on alternate feet, never having both or all feet on the ground at the same time. 2 intr. flee, abscond. 3 intr. go or travel hurriedly, briefly, etc. 4 intr. a advance by or as by rolling or on wheels, or smoothly or easily. b be in action or operation (left the engine running). 5 intr. be current or operative; have duration (the lease runs for 99 years). 6 intr. (of a bus, train, etc.) travel or be travelling on its route (the train is running late). 7 intr. (of a play, exhibition, etc.) be staged or presented (is now running at the Apollo). 8 intr. extend; have a course or order or tendency (the road runs by the coast; prices are running high). 9 a intr. compete in a race. b intr. finish a race in a specified position. c tr. compete in (a race). 10 intr. (often foll. by for) seek election (ran for president). 11 a intr. (of a liquid etc. or its container) flow or be wet; drip. b tr. flow with. 12 tr. a cause (water etc.) to flow. b fill (a bath) with water. 13 intr. spread rapidly or beyond the proper place (ink ran over the table; a shiver ran down my spine). 14 intr. Cricket (of a batsman) run from one wicket to the other in scoring a run. 15 tr. traverse or make one's way through or over (a course, race, or distance). 16 tr. perform (an errand). 17 tr. publish (an article etc.) in a newspaper or magazine. 18 a tr. cause (a machine or vehicle etc.) to operate. b intr. (of a mechanism or component etc.) move or work freely. 19 tr. direct or manage (a business etc.). 20 tr. own and use (a vehicle) regularly. 21 tr. take (a person) for a journey in a vehicle (shall I run you to the shops?). 22 tr. cause to run or go in a specified way (ran the car into a tree). 23 tr. enter (a horse etc.) for a race. 24 tr. smuggle (guns etc.). 25 tr. chase or hunt. 26 tr. allow (an account) to accumulate for a time before paying. 27 intr. Naut. (of a ship etc.) go straight and fast. 28 intr. (of salmon) go up river from the sea. 29 intr. (of a colour in a fabric) spread...
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  1) работа 2) период 3) режим 4) цикл 5) пакет – run of zeroes – conductor run – error-free run – frequency run ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) бег 2) бежать 3) гонять 4) кампания 5) наработка 6) период времени 7) машиностр. питать 8) побег 9) пробег 10) пробегать 11) протекать 12) компьют. пуск 13) работа 14) рейс 15) сеанс 16) компьют. серия 17) тираж 18) трасса 19) управлять 20) ход angle of run of water-line — угол выхода ватерлинии battery has run down — аккумулятор сел direct forward run — прямой процесс distance run between overhauls — межремонтный пробег drill does not run true — сверло отклоняется от прямой run along path in positive direction — проходить путь в положительном направлении run board through planer — строгать доска run drill pipe in — опускать бурильную трубу run out a contour line — проводить горизонталь run out guess-warp to — заводить бакштов на run with pitch of roof — идти по стоку воды sample taker is run on cable — грунтонос работает на кабеле values of y run from a to b — значения y изменяются от a до b - cable run - carrying run - cover run - dross run - final run - heat run - length of run - locomotive run - maintenance run - make-up run - program run - return run - root run - run a cornice - run a log - run blast furnace - run computer - run curve - run down - run experiment - run free - run grain - run gravel - run in bailer - run into - run length coding - run length - run of furnace - run of pels - run of pipes - run of tire - run off - run on schedule - run over - run risk - run sample taker - run test cut - run test - run to timetable - run traverse line - run true - run up - simulation run - straight run - take-off run - tape run - test run - trial run ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  запускать (программу) RUNNER BLOCK подвижный блок ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский словарь по машиностроению
  1. сущ. 1) пробег 2) работа (машины) 3) приток, наплыв 4) спрос 5) направление, тенденция 6) течение (времени) 7) период, отрезок (времени) • - at a run - economic run - have a general run - have a great run - in the long run - production of long runs - production of small runs - production run - run down in tariff - run for - run into - run off - run out - run the risk - run to - run up an account - run up - the run of the market - the run on the bank 2. гл. 1) бежать, ходить 2) следовать, курсировать 3) протекать (о времени) 4) распространяться, простираться 5) гласить 6) происходить 7) преодолевать (препятствие) 8) руководить (учреждением и т.п.), вести (дело, предприятие и т.п.) 9) производить (испытания) 10) работать (о машине) 11) перевозить (груз) 12) достигать определенного количества 13) иссякать (о запасах и т.п.) (out of) 14) доходить до, достигать (up to) - prices ran up from...to... - run a bank - run a blockade - run a business - run a candidate - run a deficit - run a surplus - run chances - run counter to - run down prices - run down stocks - run dry - run hazards - run low - run risks - run short - the lease has run out - the time has run out RUN протекать; проводить; работать; ход; пробег; работа – in the long run – in the short run – blank run ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) косяк (рыб) 2) ход (рыбы) 3) стадо (животных) 4) стая (птиц) 5) тропа (проложенная животными) 6) серия опытов 7) бежать, бегать 8) идти (на нерест) 9) преследовать, травить (зверя) 10) течь, литься (о крови) 11) ползти, виться (о растении) main part of a run — рунный ход – big run – light run – seaward run – spawning run ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  I СМИ жарг. "тропа" Территория или объект "охоты" репортера по заданию редакции II ("run") экон. "налет" на банк Массовое одновременное снятие денег со счетов вкладчиками банка, опасающимися его банкротства. В свою очередь может привести к банкротству банка, так как опустошает его запасы наличности RUN "Кружок" Девять крупнейших банков США, чьи депозитные сертификаты считаются равными по качеству и взаимозаменяемы. К ним относятся, в частности: "Ситибэнк" Citibank, г. Нью-Йорк; "Бэнк ов Америка" Bank of America, г. Сан-Франциско; "Кемикл бэнк" Chemical Bank, г. Нью-Йорк; "Морган гаранти траст" Morgan Guaranty Trust Co., г. Нью-Йорк; "Чейз Манхэттен бэнк" Chase Manhattan Bank; Chase Manhattan Corp., г. Нью-Йорк; "Бэнкерс траст" Bankers Trust Co., г. Нью-Йорк; "Уэллс Фарго бэнк" Wells Fargo Bank, г. Сан-Франциско и др. RUN OFF фин. биржевые данные на момент закрытия рынка Появляются на экране (или ленте) тикера ticker на момент прекращения дневных операций ...
Англо-русский лингвострановедческий словарь
  1. бег, пробег at a run —- бегом to come up at a run —- подбежать on the run —- на ходу, в движении; второпях to be on the run all day —- быть весь день в бегах to break into a run —- побежать, пуститься бегом 2. бегство; беспорядочное отступление to be on the run —- поспешно отступать, бежать we have the enemy on the run —- мы обратили врага в бегство 3. побег; нахождение в бегах the criminal was on the run —- преступник был в бегах to go for a run —- пробежаться; проехаться (в автомобиле, на лошади и т. п.) I was giving my dog a run in the park —- я пустил свою собаку побегать в парке 4. короткая поездка a run to Paris —- кратковременная поездка в Париж good run! —- счастливого пути! 5. рейс, маршрут ship's run —- маршрут (рейс) корабля 6. переход trial run —- испытательный пробег a day's run —- день пути it is a quick run from Glasgow —- это недалеко от Глазго 7. ж-д. перегон, прогон 8. ав. полет; перелет we had a good run —- полет проходил хорошо 9. пройденное расстояние; отрезок пути 10. ж-д. пробег (локомотива, вагона) 11. ав. отрезок трассы 12. ав. пробег (при посадке); разбег (при взлете) 13. тропа (проложенная животными) a buffalo run —- буйволова тропа 14. колея (след от транспорта) 15. период, отрезок (времени), полоса a run of success —- полоса успеха a run of ill luck —- несчастливая полоса; полоса...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  a fever лихорадить RUN a person close  а) быть чьим-л. опасным соперником;  б) быть почти равным кому-л. RUN a temperature иметь повышенную температуру, температурить RUN a thing close быть почти равным (по качеству и т.п.) RUN about  а) суетиться, бегать взад и вперед;  б) играть, резвиться (о детях) Youll catch cold running about with no coat on. RUN across  а) (случайно) встретиться с кем-л.; натолкнуться на кого-л. I ran across my former teacher this afternoon. I ran across an excellent book on history.  б) подвезти (кого-л.) Dont wait for the bus in this cold weather, Ill run you across to your mothers. RUN after  а) преследовать, бежать за (кем-л., чем-л.) Run after your father, hes forgotten his hat.  б) бегать, ухаживать за кем-л. All the girls are running after the attractive new student. RUN against  а) сталкиваться; наталкиваться на to run ones head against a wall стукнуться головой об стену; fig. прошибать лбом стену  б) идти, действовать, выступать против кого-л. Jim is prepared to run against the worlds best runners. RUN aground  а) наскочить на мель; посадить на мель We were winning the boat race until our boat ran aground on a sandbank. The captains own carelessness ran the boat aground.  б) coll. натолкнуться на непреодолимые трудности Our plans for rebuilding have run aground, as the council have refused to allow the necessary money. RUN along  а) подвезти (кого-л.) Theres no hurry to get there; I can run you along in the car.  б) уходить Run along now, Ill talk to you later. RUN around  а) бесцельно...
Англо-русский словарь
  3-let. lang. abbr. Rundi airport code St. Denis de la Reunion, Indian Ocean funny abbr. Rufas Universal Network gen. comp. abbr. Rewind and Unload file ext. abbr. Batch file ( PC Tools) religion abbr. Reaching The Unevangelized Now law abbr. Research Use Only NYSE symbols Reunion Industries, Inc. ...
English abbreviation dictionary
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - the modern verb is a merger of two related O.E. words. The first is rinnan, irnan (strong, intransitive, pt. ran, pp. runnen), from P.Gmc. *renwanan. The sense of "cause to run" is from O.E. жrnan, earnan (weak, transitive, probably a metathesis of *rennan), from P.Gmc. *rannjanan, causative of the root *ren- "run." The noun is first recorded 1390 (originally ren), from the verb. Meaning "to be in charge of" is from 1864; rundown (n.) "summary, account" is from 1945. Most figurative uses are from horseracing or hunting, except (to feel) run down (1901) which is from clocks. Runaway (n.) is from 1547; runner "smuggler" first recorded 1721; runner-up is from 1842. Runaround "deceptive, evasive treatment" is from 1915; run-in "quarrel, confrontation" is from 1905. Running dog is from Chin. and N.Korean communist phrases used from c.1950 to describe supposed imperialist lackeys, cf. Mandarin zou gou "running dog," on the notion of a dog that runs at its master's command. Run-of-the-mill "unspectacular" is from 1930. To run short "exhaust one's supply" is from 1752. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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